

Monday 6 February 2023

The Station

The breeze is soothing. It almost takes away the languidness of the exasperating heat. Today seems special, the wind ceases to be silent, and is filled with drum beats reminiscent of the forgotten times. The station, slowly prepares itself for the arrival of the next train. I could see different people around me, some smiling, a few in absolute no nonsense mood, and others lost in their own made up world seemingly awaiting their forward journey. A quiet station is suddenly filled with life. All seeking a destiny prewritten, content in their forged will being realized. I do not know where this train goes. Mine is supposed to come after.

Destination is a crazy word. Do we ever truly have one? I wonder if it is something we make up along the way, changing them with convenience. But today, i have a destination. And while the squealing sound of the rails seems to get closer, I feel an inner urge to embark on a wild journey. Maybe, this is the quest that I subconsciously sought, yet was too afraid to pursue. I do not know where this train goes. . Would it be wise to wait, for a route I was supposed to take.

And then the train has arrived. I see a carriage right in-front of me, with doors wide open. I sense a calling, to the unforeseen future, uncharted, dark and fearful. Yet, it was that fear that was holding me back. Throwing caution to wind, bidding goodbye to the fear, I am trusting this journey. A journey without a destination, a leap of faith!